“ The historic town of Wailuku is much more than just the seat of government for Maui County. Those fortunate enough to live and work here know it as a hometown of quiet neighborhoods, friendly people and happy memories...As we continue to preserve the best of yesterday’s Wailuku - and incorporate its spirit into our plans for the future -
I invite you to discover for yourself the historic streets and charming buildings of old Wailuku Town. ”
- James “Kimo” Apana -

Wells Street has yet to be built just past the church, Market Street is still a year away from being paved.

The new Wailuku Hongwanji Mission completed its first temple, seen here at the corner of Wells and Market.

Maui’s first County Fair was held in 1916 at the Wells Park baseball field, in the area now occupied by an extension of Wells Street and the current park.

Maui’s first County Fair parade featuring the procession of automobiles on the island.

The star attraction, Daisy the elephant.

The Royal Hawaiian Band performing at Mauiʻs first County Fair.

Wailuku 1920: An early aerial photograph shows a model American small town, its tidy streets lined with stately public buildings, bustlin businesses and homes with mature trees and well-tended lawns. Wells Park is in the lower right hand corner.
Wailuku has great historical value and a vibrant cultural legacy that runs deep. From Kamehameha’s victory at Iao Valley to the birthplace of the powerful sugar industry, Wailuku played a large role in the island’s history and made a strong impact on the state of Hawai‘i.
Sources: Exploring Wailuku by George Engegreton
Maui Remembers: A Local History by Gail Bartholomew & Bren Bailey

Photo Credit: Brian J. McMorrow

Photo Credit: Brian J. McMorrow
Much of this history is still alive throughout the town. Although a new generation of government and young business owners have moved in, the town still has that old town feel thanks to the many art deco buildings and simple plantation homes. The colorful town is a mix of the young and the old with beautiful scenery and the serene and powerful, Iao Valley.​
Wells Park Today